The Short Answer
Because we are the BEST solution.
The Long Answer
Because we are the ONLY solution. Gung-Ho Films is the only company that covers all the bases and delivers exactly what you need. Please read on…
We Manage The Entire Process… You Get The Profits!

Gung-Ho Films makes it easy for you to sell your films digitally and physically. We manage the entire process – from initial order through final delivery – to provide you with a risk-free, hassle-free revenue stream.
We Give You Easy Ways To Sell Your Films And More
With our simple “trailer-to-sale” model, your film audience is just a click away from buying. Your audience now has the option to easily buy your film digitally, physically, or both. And they can even buy any additional film-related products and merchandise you’d like to sell.
We Have The Lowest Pricing In The Industry
At the same time our digital and physical distribution is putting more films into the hands of your audience, our industry-low pricing is putting more money in your pocket.
We Can Process Every Type Of Order
We process orders from your existing Web store, a third-party Web store like, or a branded Web store we build for you. We also process orders from social media marketplaces, call centers, and sales order systems. We integrate the various systems with our GENIE system so all of your sales information is in one secure place where you “know” exactly who is buying what and when.
We Give You The Information You Need To Cross-Sell And Upsell
Once your sales information is in our GENIE system, you can use our powerful GENIE technologies to “grow” your sales with targeted cross-sell and upsell promotions.
We Can Deliver Every Type Of Film Product
We are the only single-source solution that can deliver your film digitally and physically as well as provide all of your film-related products and merchandise.
We Can Ship Directly To Every Type Of Customer
We ship directly to your end-user customers, distributors, and retailers with e-mail notifications, online tracking, and proof of delivery.
We Guarantee Our Quality And On-Time Shipping
Our Order Fulfillment Accuracy is 99.999% and we have never lost a client based upon our quality or performance. We simply do what we say. We even guarantee it with penalties if we don’t – which is easy for us because we’ve never had to pay a penalty!
In our largest rollout ever, Gung-Ho manufactured and distributed over 1.2 million software kits to thousands of retail outlets nationwide during the first week of production. More importantly, they guaranteed they would be able to do it and agreed to pay hefty penalties if they failed – penalties they didn’t have to pay because they performed exactly as promised.Gene Goldenberg, Senior VP of Software and E-Commerce, H&R Block